Friday, 4 September 2015

My New Favourite Place In Soho - Trisha's

How I've missed this place for the 26 years on this planet, I'll never know. 
Welcome to Trisha's. 
Sometimes called The Blue Door.
Sometimes called New Evaristo Club.

Sometimes called That Little Place On Greek Street That Nobody Knows The Name Of. 
Behind the little blue door on Greek Street, Soho lives an underground drinking lair that makes you feel like you are part of a really special little gang. The place doesn't look like it's been touched since it opened in 1940-something and it's charm hits you like a strong scotch.

It's dark, the bar looks like the side board in someone's kitchen and you've got to walk through the loos to get outside for a smoke. You feel like you're at home. Or the home of one of your best mate's Mum's who's been on the lash for 60 years. 
Even the light switch is just on the wall like it would be if you were indoors. Word for the wise tho, don't turn it on. That doesn't go down well.
It's chintzy, it plays Frank Sinatra and the landlady still sits at the end of the bar. 
Drinks are cheap for Soho. £15 for a bottle of decent red. £4ish for a spirit and a mixer. And the bloke behind the bar is the friendliest guy you'll come across. 

But most importantly, you feel like you are part of a really exclusive club. And that you've been let in to a brilliant little secret. 

The doorman is a hero, they sell Walkers and the toilets are nice & clean, again like you'd expect in someone's house. 

It's free to get in on school nights, and only £2 entry on a Friday and a Saturday.

Get yourselves down there...we loved it last night. 

 3dx, 57 Greek St, London W1D 3DX

 A must. 


Wednesday, 2 September 2015

Dating App No-No's for you, boys

Just a few words to the wise. If you're after a date on one of the hundred dating apps flooding our phones, then please avoid the following. Taken from a variety of sources, mainly the girls at work!

Us girls aren't digging them. 

1.Ayt Bbz.
I'm neither 15, nor do I have the IQ of a worm. Please, please have more respect for my intelligence and spell things correctly. And don't use 'ayt' as your first greeting. Please.

2. The Bathroom Selfie
I'm really pleased for you that your last ab popped out in the gym today, but all I can see is how long it seems to have been since you cleaned your bath. And it's making me want to be a bit sick. Also, is that a pair of socks on the floor? Or your pants? Ew.

3. The Low Slung Jogging Bottom
Leave something to the imagination. For the love of god.

4. Sunglasses Wearing
The odd sunglasses shot is fine. But not in every picture. Eyes tell a million stories and I need to see yours. Mainly just to see if you fall into either the 'Axe Murderer' or 'Potential Father Of My Children' category.

5. The Vegas Shot.
Call me old fashioned, but a picture of you holding two bottles of Grey Goose, in a pool with 16 half clad blondes doesn't scream 'husband material' to me.

6. Tattoo Close Ups
I'm not considering going out for dinner with your right shoulder blade, so just your face is fine for now. Thanks.

7. Emoji smut.
It's not big, and it's not clever. Spelling out various sexual acts with little yellow people is not the way to my heart. Even if I do find some of them pretty impressive.
8. Group Shots.
Please don't make your primary picture one of you among 4 other people. It's highly likely that I'm just going to prefer your mate. And he's probably married. It's just sad all round.

9. Love at first swipe.
Marriage proposals straight off the bat are mildly horrifying. Just saying.

10. Compliment carnage.
Nice eyes. Lovely
What a lovely smile. Sweet.
Head straight in for boob praise. Doubtful.

11. Too Keen.
I like persistence in a man. But if I don't reply to your message, please don't re-send a number of messages such as the below. It can be off putting.
'Oh, no hello then?'
Clearly not
'Oh come on babe, have a chat'
Not your babe, no.
Or one of my favourites.
'You're not my type anyway'
Thanks for stopping by dickhead.